
Friday 7 September 2012

Week One Summary

We made it!  

Recapping what we accomplished this week:
  • We set up Twitter accounts and followed @mr_wires
  • Learned about retweets, favorites, following, hashtags (#topic), and mentions (@username)
  • Watched the comedy of Father Guido Sarducci:
    • Is his comedy based in a true phenomenon?  Do we really forget the things we learn so easily?
    • What does this tell us about memorization as an educational technique?
      • What things do we need to remember?
      • What things do we not need to remember?
  • We also watched Sir Ken Robinson's talk on Changing Education Paradigms (beautifully animated by RSA Animate)
    • What is Sir Ken Robinson's talk about, in a nutshell?
    • What are some examples of convergence/conformity/standardization in your school?  
      • What benefit does this paradigm offer?
      • What are some negatives/weaknesses of this paradigm?
    • What are some examples of divergence/creativity in your school?
      • What benefit does this paradigm offer?
      • What are some negatives/weaknesses of this paradigm?
    • What would a school modeled on the new paradigm suggested in this talk be like?  
    • Would you like to be a student in that school?
  • We also took a look at Dr. Renata Nummela Caine's article on the 12 Brain Mind Learning Principles 
    • We reflected as we read by tweeting our responses to #dmtwires
    • ... we were told there would be an assignment based on this article and our tweets on Monday.
Have a great weekend everyone!

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